What Is The Definition Of Affiliate Marketing

What Is The Definition Of Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing is defined as: A marketing arrangement by which an online retailer pays a commission to an external website for traffic or sales generated from its referrals.  It is so much more than that though.  It is freedom for some; freedom from working for a corrupt employer who holds your lively hood at their whim.  It is freedom to live by your own standards and not ask someone else to have free time.  Many people have started their own businesses online and gotten out of the rat race.  Now if you like working at your job that is great most of us wish for such an opportunity.  Even still you could always use more money and a passive income from Affiliate Marketing could help with that.

Making Money Online From Home


We live in a golden era where people can make money easier than ever before, they just need to know that the opportunities exist.  The opportunities exist on the Internet and there are a multitude of ways to make money online for someone who works hard and doesn’t give up.  I am first going to go into affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing for those who do not know much about it is promoting someone else’s good or services and getting a percentage for your referrals.  It is basically doing the advertising for someone and they give you money for the referrals.  Almost every business has an affiliate program these days so the sky is the limit for ideas to get money through affiliate marketing.

So the long and the short of it is to decide on a niche you want to promote.  A niche being either a product or a group of people interested in a certain thing.  You want to solve a problem, fear, or fill a desire.  An example is people looking into buying an expensive camera.  Some people have already set up a review site of the top brands.  They through their website have links to the items where they can get up to 10% of the sale if a person purchases through their referral.  A great place to link to is Amazon because they give you a percentage of anything that is sold within 24 hours of clicking on your affiliate link.  This is very powerful because people normally when they purchase one thing they buy other things they have been looking into as well.  Many people have made a living from Amazon affiliate sales alone.


How To Make Money With Affiliate Marketing

So you choose a niche, now you have to figure out whether you want to invest in a website or not.  The money you make will be greater if you do buy a website, but there are many free options as well.  One being just creating a Facebook page and having your affiliate links go through them. The problem is free web pages will draw less traffic, but they are a great place to start.  Allow me to mention a service I use and love and that is Wealthy Affiliate they will give you two free websites for just signing up for their starter program, and training to go along with it.  You can stay with their free membership forever and keep the two free websites.  Their premium program is better, but if you are looking for a good start then they cannot be beat.  Their web creation software makes it easier than other places.  There is also Weebly but they will not help you create revenue since they are more of a social sharing promoter.

Many people worry about their niche.  I spent so much time worrying about it, it took me months to even start my first website.  Don’t worry about it honestly there is traffic, remember that, especially if you go and look for it.  So many people spend so much time trying to find the white unicorn of niche ideas.  One that has never been done and will bring in a ton of money.  They spend so much time thinking about it that they waste their time that they could be promoting a decent idea that may not be as new.  Trust me there is room in all markets to make a profit you just have to find a unique way to promote it.


Once you have a niche and a way to reach people, now you have to create content.  This to some is the hardest part; they want perfection so they stress over it and they don’t act for fear of failing.  This is the modern age nothing is written in stone, if you don’t like it you can change it.  Just get something down, start writing and edit it later.  Trust me if you come from a genuine place people will not care if you have grammar mistakes or spelling mistakes.  Just be genuine and have passion for the idea, passion will sell people.  Through passion instead of selling people you are helping your fellow humans who are passionate about the concept as well.  Remember this, people are coming to you for a solution to their problem.  It could be how to stop acne or what is the best DSLR camera.  You can guide them to a great solution to their problem and maybe make some money referring them to it as well.  Just think you do this all the time, when you find something that you think is amazing you spread the word for free to anyone who will listen.  This is just making money doing the same thing and people will thank you for it.  Tackle it that way be excited about the product or service and you will feel way more genuine.


Now that you have written your content now you must drive traffic to your content.  There are so many different ways to drive traffic.  The main goal is to get indexed on Google and other search engines and have people come to your web page for their burning questions.  How to get traffic is many fold and comes with promoting your content.  This can come with article marketing where you find another site with similar interests and you offer to guest write an article on their web page making sure to have links back to your original content as well.  This works great in many ways first the people who read your guest article will sometimes follow your links to your web page and may click on your affiliate links.  Also it gives what is called link juice to your site.  Think of it as a popularity contest and Google is the judge.  If you have a link from a well-known and liked site then that gives your site more credibility, and Google will bump you up a bit in the rankings.  Another way to get traffic is to go on social media (Facebook, Pinterest, Linkedin, ect) There are quite a few, establish an account and start promoting your content and establish your account.  Yes this is work, you will not be a billionaire over night, but if you put the work in now, later you can just sit back and enjoy the revenue your website is generating on autopilot.


The last step is to keep working, keep tweaking your site, figure out what works and what doesn’t.  Build a new site and get it generating money.  If all of this seems daunting then think about this; if you can get at least 30 unique visitors a day which is more than doable with a 3% conversion rate that is a sale every 4 days about.  Depending on what you are selling you could make at least $100 dollars a month.  That is an extra $100 dollars rolling in every month with no additional work, and you can grow that to great heights.  You could potentially make $100 dollars a day or some people make $1000 a day.  Let that sink in even if you did it with a couple of websites wouldn’t $1000 a day be nice.  There is a guy online who makes over 100,000 dollars a month his site is http://www.smartpassiveincome.com and well worth checking out.  He uses podcasts to get his revenue, something I have no interest in, but he is living the dream using the Internet, and he also has great affiliate websites as well.

Why I Choose To Use And Promote Wealthy Affiliate

So I have been trying Affiliate marketing in one form or another for years now.  It wasn’t until I joined Wealthy Affiliate that I saw some forward progress.  I made some commissions here and there, but not much.  Most websites and everything else leave things out.  I felt like the entire picture was not being revealed to me.  Wealthy Affiliate has an open community that trusts one another who will answer any question you could possibly come up with.  They also have free and paid training that will take you step by step on your journey.  You even have access to the creators they will answer your messages, and are very friendly helpful people.  So here is how they work.  You can join for free, for seven days you have access to chat and a reduced rate of about $20 for your first month.  with the free account you get two free websites and access to a training module that will help you start your website and will cover the basics.  You can stay with the free membership for the rest of time.  If you go premium then it opens up to you.  You get unlimited access to chat, an amazing keyword tool that is pretty much like Jaxxy, but missing some of the analysis portions.  You get web hosting through them at no additional charge; you can purchase domains through them as well.  They cost $47 a month and that includes everything no up-sells ever.  I love their hosting I have gone through others and I find theirs is the easiest to use because they do all the installing and transferring for you.  They even have some great premium Word Press themes to choose from.


Now I will say I do have some complaints about them, while it is a great community it sometimes is hard to find people to answer your particular questions, but I find if I wait and ask again I can get an answer, and you can always private message the founders and they will answer your question.  I find they have so much information it is hard narrowing it down into a personal action plan, but this is not their fault.  They have tried to be as thorough as possible and they have succeeded admirably with it.  They are a little limited in their model they mainly promote blog monetization, but they do help with other models as well.  If you are looking for a way to follow a drop-shipping model then you may want to just try the free version and see if there is anything they can offer.

I have tried many different services and books.  I get a ton of emails daily from so-called Gurus claiming they can make me 40k in a day.  I find Wealthy Affiliate is honest about your earning potential.  They will help you through every step of the way and encourage you to ask questions.  I find they are the only resource I need, I don’t even bother opening up those emails anymore.  I invite you to give Wealthy Affiliate a try, and I will help you in your transition and journey.


Thank you for reading,


If you have any questions or comments please feel free to comment below.

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